Chris World BBS


Welcome to the BBS! It's like forums but uglier.

The difference between the BBS and Clap: One is for public conversations, and the other is for comments on the site. Don't overthink it - I don't really care if you mix them up. But in general, Clap is for things I'll probably only say "thanks!" to, while the BBS can be used for discussion on blog posts or something. The most important thing to keep in mind is that I can't respond to comments on Clap. At all. So if you want me to say something back, use the BBS.

I can delete posts, so be on your best behavior. Have a good day.

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See the preview (The content can be previewed to confirm before posting.)
Title Submitter The number of posting The created date The last updating date
General (Guestbook) Chris 2 2024/11/29 (Fri) 19:14:57 2024/12/09(Mon) 04:02:34
No Title cryman 2 2024/12/02 (Mon) 23:42:46 2024/12/04(Wed) 09:43:03
Gallery Chris 1 2024/11/29 (Fri) 19:43:15 2024/11/30(Sat) 09:43:15
Liveblogging Chris 1 2024/11/29 (Fri) 19:40:35 2024/11/30(Sat) 09:40:35
Gift Chris 1 2024/11/29 (Fri) 19:20:17 2024/11/30(Sat) 09:20:17

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